Rosh Hashanah Service
High Holidays... And More
As an independent humanist congregation, we have created our own, unique service books, drawing from both traditional and modern sources. Our services are primarily in English, but we do have portions in Hebrew, with transliteration and translation.
Our services work to connect the congregation with both the values and meaning of the holidays, as well as with the larger Jewish community. We always feature a sermon from our rabbi, along with a talk given at each service by a member of our congregation on a matter of personal interest.
We hold High Holiday services on the morning of Rosh Hashanah, and on the evening (Kol Nidre) and morning of Yom Kippur. We have morning services geared toward children, followed by adult services. Babysitting is available during the adult services.
Sukkot 2021 - National Building Museum visit of the Sukkah exhibit
Shabbat and Beyond
We hold Shabbat gatherings about once a month, on either Friday nights or to mark Havdalah on Saturday evenings. The aim is to let food, song, and conversation erase the cares of the workweek and send us home stimulated and refreshed.
On Passover, we hold a joint Seder with the members of River Road Unitarian Universalist Congregation. This is a popular event for people in both congregations, as we celebrate the universal values underscoring the Passover story's celebration of freedom. In addition, the Sunday School holds a family potluck seder.
Sukkot features a special Sunday School event, with family-focused activities. Hanukkah and Purim parties are held at Burning Tree Elementary School in connection with our Sunday School program.