The origin story of Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer is, in fact, a Jewish story – and a secular humanist one at that.  In 1939, Robert L. May created Rudolph for the Montgomery Ward department store, where he worked as a copywriter.  Robert May grew up in a secular Jewish home on Long Island.  His parents were members of the Ethical Culture Society.  Robert May never really fit in as a child.  He was awkward and experienced bullying due to his religious background. And he had, well, a rather prominent nose - a trait that the bullies used for ethnic slurs. When he created the Rudolph story, he based it in part on his own experience.

The Jewish aspect of the Rudolph story continued beyond Robert L. May.  Montgomery Ward published Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer and gave it out as a free gift.  Robert May, though, wanted more for the story and Rudolph.  His brother-in-law, Johnny Marks, happened to be a songwriter.  Robert May convinced Johnny Marks to transform his story into lyrics.  Johnny Marks was also Jewish and also grew up in a secular home, going to the Ethical Culture Society.  Johnny Marks, despite his Jewish background, had a knack for writing Christmas carols.  His song version of Rudolph became an instant hit and propelled Rudolph into the reindeer icon that he has become. 

I share this story because it signifies to me the mash-up that is American culture.  For families at Beth Chai who celebrate both Hanukkah and Christmas, please feel pride that another secular humanist Jew brought Rudolph into Christmas celebrations.  I hope that it adds to your joy and celebration in the coming week.

And, for those of us at Beth Chai who don’t celebrate Christmas, I know that the coming week can be a little lonely as so many others prepare for their holiday.  Christmas can feel ubiquitous.  Let’s look at our society’s celebration and smile.  We did have an influence on American Christmas celebrations, and we can take pride in the joy that this influence has provided to our neighbors.    




Joseph and Tears